F135 Engine Platform
The F135 engine platform is specifically designed to eliminate the lifting risks associated with the expensive and heavy engine. The engine can be positioned in the center of the maintenance platform. By adjusting the platform to the desired height, maintenance can be carried out at multiple levels.
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NIJL – F35 Access Solutions
Key Benefits
- Height adjustable platform eliminates lifting risks of expensive and heavy engine
- No additional stabilization scissor lift needed for lifting operation of the engine
- Platform can be repositioned after installation. No floor adjustments (pits) needed to install scissor lifts
- Proven technology because we use similar technique as we use throughout our height adjustable aircraft docking systems
- Safety comes first. The platform is secured with sensors and alarm system to guarantee the safety of the engineers during performing engine maintenance
- A service contract for the upcoming 20 years for maintenance and inspection is included
- Ring shaped inlay elements to close gab towards the engine
- Safety switches on inlay elements
- Falling from height safety precautions
- Scissor lift on the side of the platform
- Pneumatic connections and electrical sockets included (adjusted to local regulations)
- Height adjustment controls on the platform